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- Migrant Program
Migrant Program
Regular School Year Objectives:
The Migrant Program is designed to ensure that our migratory students receive full and appropriate opportunities to meet the challenging state academic content and achievement standards that all of our students are expected to meet. The Migrant Program should complement and target the needs of the students we serve.
During each school year, every K-12 Migrant student will have a grade level assessment completed by the classroom teacher which will be collected and analyzed by Migrant Staff. The KUSD Community Liaison will work in collaboration with the Fresno County Office of Education Migrant Program to oversee and coordinate our Migrant Program. The KUSD Community Liaison will assist parents and families with any language barriers or needs and collaborate with the various community agencies throughout Fresno County.
An analysis of 2014-2015 student achievement throughout the district suggests a need to target students in grades K-12 who scored below the proficient level on the STAR: English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics exam and did not pass the California High School Exit Exam in grades 10-12.
Summer School Objectives:
The KUSD Community Liaison will meet with all Migrant students and their families to review a learning packet of needed school supplies including CLP home study packets as evidenced by a parent signature. KUSD also offers several different summer school sessions that are designed to target the specific needs of students throughout the district to allow for increased attendance. The sessions include intervention opportunities for students in need of additional support, high school coursework, enrichment and targeted remediation.
Identification & Recruitment (I & R) Process:
For Kerman Unified School District, the Migrant Community Liaison reviews a variety of data points for student identification; work in collaboration with community agencies, working with local farms and agri-businesses, as well as district departments. The liaison will contact all new families to the district and schedule appointments to share information regarding the Migrant Program. At that time, it is determined if they qualify for the program and the necessary forms are completed. The Migrant Community Liaison continues to recruit Pre-K, K-12 and Out of School Youth as evidenced by regional reports. We have five staff members that are involved with the Kerman Unified Migrant Program.
Formative Assessments:
The following formative assessments are used to monitor the progress and mastery of students as it relates to the California State Standards (CST), CELDT, and CAHSEE. These data are used to monitor and adjust instruction in the classroom based upon the individual student needs throughout the school year. The data also serves to establish appropriate grouping, intervention, remediation and summer programs of our Migrant Education Students.
State Assessments:
The state mandates the following tests be administered to all students on an annual basis. The STAR Program is an important part of the state testing system. The battery of tests measures how well students are learning the knowledge and skills identified in the California content standards. The assessments are designed to monitor the mastery rate of the state standards as students travel from grade to grade.
Data Review and Analysis:
Pre-K Data Analysis
Working with our Kindergarten teachers KUSD monitors progress by our K students. Our data shows our Migrant K students are progressing. Although hard academic testing data, besides CELDT, is not captured on this age group we have enough soft data from home visits, health assessments, RIF handouts, and visits with the parents of these students to make decisions about academic welfare. We encourage all of our families with preschoolers to enroll their preschoolers in a state preschool. Our analysis for this age group has determined that language development and pre-reading skills should continue to be the focus. These data also assist in the design of kindergarten programs.
K-8 Data Analysis (Include SBAC and CELDT data, as well as other indicators)
First priority for services goes to our K-8 Migrant students who have had their school year interrupted. Next priority goes to our established Migrant students who are in the lower bands, Far Below Basic, Below Basic, or Basic on the state tests and the Migrant students who are in the lowest three bands on the CELDT. Any student falling below proficiency has not met California state standards. Because we recognize the disadvantage our Migrant English Language Learners have when trying to access school curriculum we work with school sites to be sure classroom placement and teacher selection is maximized for the student. Students who need extra instruction and help with assigned work are encouraged to attend after school, before school, and lunch time intervention programs at their school site. All failing or at risk of failing Migrant students are encouraged to attend summer session for targeted instruction for continue academic progress.
9-12 Data Analysis (Include SBAC, and CELDT )
First priority for services goes to our grades 9-12 students who have had their school year interrupted. The students not at standards on the State Assessment represented through the various grade levels with the higher numbers at 6th, 7th, 8th and 11th grades. Intervention programs at the high school sites and extra help through instructional assistants as well as peer tutoring offer the Migrant student the opportunity to keep up with curriculum needs.
Parent Meeting & Program Involvement
The Migrant Parent Program ensures that the Migrant parents will receive information about the parent related workshops, school site, and district committees as evidenced by contact logs. Additionally, we work hard to ensure parents have a voice in the program, providing ongoing input and suggestions as to program improvement.The Migrant Parent Advisory Committee will participate in the creation of the Migrant Service Agreement, any budget revisions, program planning and evaluation evidenced by agenda and sign in sheets. An annual needs assessment was conducted to solicit ideas and input on topics of discussion that parents would like to have at the meetings.
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Related Links
Migrant Program FCOE Website
This will link you to the Fresno County Office of Education website for the Kerman Unified Migrant Program.
Migrant Mentoring Program
The Migrant College Mentoring Program will link migrant students grades 6th-12th with college mentors whom will serve as role models/support systems and guide students as they prepare for a college education.