Parent Training Opportunities

  • Kerman Unified Schools are committed to establishing a true partnership with all facets of the Kerman Learning Community. KUSD values feedback and input. Parents continue to make positive differences in the lives of the children we all support. We know from research that participation in your child’s education will not only bring success to your child but other children in the school. Our parents truly make a difference in the lives of Kerman Kids!

    KUSD is proud and pleased to offer a variety of parent involvement opportunities that improve our overall program. Depending on the type of categorical funding a site may receive, district or school parent councils and committees are required under certain requirements and guidelines. Such advisory committees in the KUSD include:

    School Site Council (SSC)

    English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

    District Advisory Committee (DAC)

    District Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

    District Migrant Education Parent Advisory Committee (DMEPAC)

    School and District level School Assessment Review Team (SART)

    If you would like additional Information on any of the District Parent Council or Committee, Please call your child’s school and/or the State & Federal Department office.

    Below is a list of some of the parent sessions being offered for this year:

    Parenting Partners empowers parents to be skilled, confident, positive leaders in their homes, their children’s school and their communities. The goal is to engage parents in building assets in their children that will protect them from risky behaviors and promote healthy choices.

    Compañeros en la Crianza les da poder a los padres de ser líderes hábiles, seguros, y positivos en sus hogares, en las escuelas de sus niños, y comunidades. La meta es de comprometer a padres a edificar beneficios en sus hijos que los protegerán de comportamientos arriesgados y promoverán las elecciones sanas.

    The PASS workshops are designed to help parents become involved in improving their child’s study habits at home. They will learn seven study skills that are simple ways to guide their student to better grades and test scores.

    Los talleres de PASS son diseñados para ayudar a los padres ser involucrados en mejorar hábitos de estudio de sus niños en el hogar. Ellos aprenderán siete habilidades de estudio que son maneras sencillas para guiar a su estudiante a mejores calificaciones y resultados en los exámenes.

    Active Parenting of Teens provides parents with concrete steps for effectively handling family problems through clear, honest communication and respectful discipline. Special attention is given to today’s problems of teen drug use, sexuality, and violence, providing parents with clear prevention guidelines.

    Padres Activos de Adolescentes les provee a los padres las medidas necesarias para manejar efectivamente los problemas de familia por medio de comunicación clara y honesta y disciplina respetuosa. La atención especial es dada a los problemas de hoy del uso de drogas de los adolescentes, sexualidad, y violencia, proveyendo a los padres con guías claras de prevención.

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