English Learner Master Plan

  • KUSD Master Plan for English Learners provides specific guidance to all district and school staff on how to identify and serve ELs.  It provides district expectations for program implementation and is the foundation for accountability in the delivery of EL program services. In 2013, the KUSD Master Plan for English Learners in KUSD was initially developed by teachers and administrators, then reviewed by the site English Learner Advisory Committees (ELAC), the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) and the Migrant Parent Advisory Committee.  In addition, it was reviewed and revised with input from committees that included the Department of State & Federal Programs and Department of Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment as well as other District staff.  

    Currently, the KUSD EL Master Plan is revised annually by the Department of Educational Services in collaboration with team members and is approved by the Kerman Unified School Board each year.  The purpose of the district’s English Learner Master Plan is to serve as a guide for all KUSD staff regarding the aligned set of practices and services that support English learner (EL) and multilingual (ML) students.  The plan intends to build a shared understanding of the Kerman Unified English learner program as well as communicate and strengthen alignment with the district’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and current State guidelines and policies, particularly the California English Learner Roadmap  (2017).

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