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Reclassification Criteria
The purpose of the Kerman Unified School District reclassification policy is to assist schools in determining when English learner (EL) students may be reclassified as FEP by consistently using a comprehensive reclassification process. The following reclassification policy has been adopted by Kerman Unified School District and the DELAC:
Specific Criteria to Be Used for Making Reclassification Decisions:
Kerman USD and District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) approved criteria will be used to determine when an English learner who has acquired English language skills comparable to those of an average native English speaker, can participate equally with average native speakers in the school’s regular instructional program, and therefore, should be reclassified as Fluent English Proficient (RFEP). Documentation will be reviewed by the school site team in consultation with the Coordinator of Educational Services.
Consideration for English Learners with IEPs:
English learners with disabilities are to be provided the same opportunities to be reclassified to FEP as students without disabilities. Alternative reclassification criteria may be utilized on an individual basis, as directed by the IEP team. Any decision to alter the reclassification criteria must be made by the IEP team in accordance with the requirements identified in the Annual ELPAC Information Guide section: Guidelines for Reclassification - Reclassification of English Learners with Disabilities. The Director of Pupil Personnel Services reviews and helps monitor district procedures for this process.Follow-up Procedures:
Each reclassified student will be monitored for four years. Teachers will collaborate with principals and learning directors as needed in order to make program adjustments for students who do not demonstrate satisfactory progress. The Follow-up Monitoring Form will be completed once a year by the teachers and/or site learning directors who work directly with the teachers.Students will be monitored for a minimum of four years for the same progress indicators as when the students were classified as EL:
- Students are engaged in and are maintaining success in core content courses
- Students make all achievement goals set for all other students
- Students receive support when not making progress
- Students are provided all A-G and advanced courses regardless of language proficiency levels
The results of this evaluation process will be documented and given to the school principal. Forms will be maintained in the student’s online cumulative EL folder.
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