AR 6172.1


    Concurrent Enrollment in College Classes


    Unless enrolled as part of a College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) partnership agreement in which students are authorized to take up to 15 units per term in a community college, as described below, district students enrolled in a community college as special part-time students may enroll in up to 11 units per semester, or the equivalent. Such students shall receive credit for community college courses that they complete in an amount jointly determined appropriate by the district and the community college governing board.  (Education Code 48800, 76001, 76004) 

    (cf. 6146.11 - Alternative Credits Toward Graduation) 

    A written agreement regarding the student's enrollment in postsecondary courses and the credits to be awarded for successful completion shall be signed by the student, parent/guardian, principal, and college representative.  The student shall be informed whether the credits to be earned are considered academic credits or elective credits, whether the credits count toward high school graduation requirements, and whether the course would need to be completed again during the college years to satisfy college graduation requirements. 

    To receive district credit for coursework completed at a community college or four-year college, the student or parent/guardian shall submit a transcript showing completion of the course with a passing grade.

     cf. 5125 - Student Records) 

    College and Career Access Pathways Partnerships 

    The district may enter into a CCAP agreement, in accordance with Education Code 76004, which includes terms regarding course offerings, student eligibility, protocols for sharing information, joint facilities use, and staff qualifications. 

    A copy of the CCAP agreement shall be filed with the Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges and with the California Department of Education before the start of the agreement.  (Education Code 76004) 

    Only courses that provide career technical education or preparation for transfer, assist in improving high school graduation rates, or help high school students achieve college and career readiness shall be offered, and physical education courses shall not be provided.  (Education Code 76004) 

    Students may enroll in up to 15 units of community college courses per term if all of the following circumstances are satisfied:  (Education Code 76004) 

    1. The units constitute no more than four community college courses per term. 
    1. The units are part of an academic program that is part of a CCAP agreement. 
    1. The units are part of an academic program that is designed to award students both a high school diploma and an associate degree or a certificate or credential. 

    A high school student shall submit one parental consent form and principal recommendation for the duration of the student's concurrent enrollment under a CCAP partnership.  (Education Code 76004) 

    The district shall report information annually to the office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges as specified in Education Code 76004. 

    Minimum School Day 

    The minimum day of attendance in district schools shall be 180 minutes for any student who is enrolled part-time in a community college and any student in grades 11-12 who is enrolled part-time in the California State University or University of California, when the student is enrolled in classes for which academic credit will be provided upon satisfactory completion of enrolled courses.  (Education Code 46146, 48801) 

    (cf. 6112 - School Day) 

    A student enrolled full-time at a community college shall be exempted from full-time attendance in the district's regular education program. (Education Code 48800.5) 

    (cf. 5112.1 - Exemptions from Attendance) 

    However, both part-time and full-time community college students shall be required to undertake courses of instruction of a scope and duration sufficient to satisfy the requirements of law.  (Education Code 48800.5, 48801) 

    Community College Classes on High School Campus 

    If a community college class is to be offered at a district high school campus, the class shall be held during the time the campus is open to the general public as determined by the Governing Board.  Members of the public who are enrolled in community college classes shall register immediately upon entering school buildings or grounds. 

    (cf. 0450 - Comprehensive Safety Plan)
    (cf. 1250 - Visitors/Outsiders)
    (cf. 3515 - Campus Security)
    (cf. 4157/4257/4357 - Employee Safety)
    (cf. 5142 - Safety)

    Regulation approved:  11/17/2011
    Amended: 5/21/2020