School Plan for Student Achievement

  • This plan meets the content requirements of amended Education Code Section 64001 (effective January 2002) for a single school plan for pupil achievement.  Such a plan must be developed at each school that operates any programs funded through the Consolidated Application.  Accordingly, the plan must:

    1. align with school goals for improving pupil achievement based on verifiable state data, including the Academic Performance Index (API) and California English Language Development Test (CELDT);
    2. identify the means of evaluating progress towards those academic performance goals;
    3. address how funds will be used to improve the academic performance of all students to the level of the API;
    4. identify how state and federal requirements will be implemented, and be consistent with federally required district improvement plans;
    5. consolidate all plans required by programs funded through the Consolidated Application for which the school receives an allocation and, when feasible, other categorical programs;
    6. be developed, approved and annually reviewed and updated by the school site council, including proposed expenditures of funds allocated to the school through the Consolidated Application;
    7. be developed with the review, certification and advice of applicable school advisory committees;
    8. be reviewed and approved by the local governing board whenever there are material changes affecting the progress of students covered by these programs.

    Schools operating School-Based Coordinated Programs must include instructional and auxiliary services to meet the special needs of English learners, educationally disadvantaged pupils, gifted and talented pupils, and pupils with exceptional needs.

    Schools operating Schoolwide Programs under E.S.E.A. Title I may use the Single Plan for Student Achievement to describe strategies that provide all children opportunities to reach proficient and advanced levels of academic achievement, using methods that are based upon scientific research or proven practice.

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