Bond Oversight Committee

The Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee, in accordance with Section 15278 of the California Education Code, provides a high level of accountability and transparency in the implementation of the bond program. The committee offers an independent review of the expenditure of money for the construction, repair and modernization of schools. The findings are shared with the Board of Education and the public in order to ensure that school bond funds are invested as the voters intended and that projects are completed wisely and efficiently. The CBOC is comprised of voluntary representatives of the community of Kerman.

2008 Bond Oversight Committee Members

2016 Bond Oversight Committee Members

Charlie Jones
Bona fide taxpayers association, Business Representative

Susan Toste
Community Representative

Vicki Blair
Business Organization and Community Representative

Jag Jaspal
Community/Parent Representative

Carl Knowles
Senior Citizen's Group Representative

Kim Farris
Parent/Active in Parent Teacher Organizations

Christa Helmuth
Parent/Active Parent Teacher Organization/School Site Council

Charlie Jones
Bona fide taxpayers association, Business Representative

Susan Toste
Community Representative

Vicki Blair
Business Organization and Community Representative

Jag Jaspal
Community/Parent Representative

Carl Knowles
Senior Citizen's Group Representative

Kim Farris
Parent/Active in Parent Teacher Organizations

Christa Helmuth
Parent/Active Parent Teacher Organization/School Site Council 

** The 2008 Bond Oversight Committee has been disbanded due to all  2008 Measure K Bond funds being expended 

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